Welcome to the arena calculator based on the number of fans! Just fill out the form, with the facts of your arena today, how many of your seats are in terrace, regular seats, seats under roof, VIP and finally how many fans your club have. Then choose a multiplier (read more about that further down) and just hit 'calculate'!

Multipliers *
A way to simulate the fans mood and add that into the caclulation of the arena. The most 'common' is said to be the number of fans x ~20-25, we do personally think that 22 is the golden way to go, but its all up to you.

(17%) Defensive = If you think you might lose more than 50% of the games in one season and your fans mood will be pretty low!
(22%) Normal = If you think you will have an 'ok' season, with over 50% wins and the fans mood will stay above average!
(27%) Offensive = If you are counting on a killer season, with win on win on win, and fan mood will be really high almost all season!


Basic seats:

Under roof:


Number of fans:

Choose 'Multiplier' *

58.5% Terraces
21.5% Basic seats
17.5% Under roof
2.5% VIP


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