Ulleberg IK - A shattered team for 8584 days

The guestbook

9  jan 2006 10:23
Happy New Year !

Goodluck for the new season from the Mellieha Knights !

coach for: Mellieha Knights

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5  jan 2006 19:54
Ska försöka smycka ut din gästbok lite, hoppas att jag gör rätt...
Annars har du min tillåtelse att skälla lite på mig =)

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Jag tror han kan det
Jag tror han kan det


5  jan 2006 10:48
Verry nice clubhouse do you have. Much off work, or not?

I wish you all the best with Hattrick and a lott of succes with your team.

Greetings from The Netherlands
coach for: TBF-Yokada

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Much work to get it started, yes
Much work to keep it up and running, no ,o)

31  dec 2005 00:04
Wont be editing anymore gb-inputs that dont follow MY standard_rules ,o)

A simple push on the delete-button is the way to go now. If you bother to write, please do read the info first ,o)

Happy New Year to all and everyone of you!!

Sir Yorick
30  dec 2005 17:06
Hello Ulleberg IK

Wow what a great ClubHouse you have.
Not everyone puts such a great effort in it, but
you certainly did.

I hope you will do fine in this season
and the ones after.

Feel free to visit my ClubHouse
to vote for my player of the month elections
or become supporter of my club.

Much Greetings from Holland.
coach for: NWC Asten B1

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I say thank you very much for those kind words Sir ,o)

28  dec 2005 20:20
I wanted to say hello to an Hattrick Veteran and thank you for visiting my Clubhouse.
Good luck next season.

Greetings from Germany

coach for: Ammonita

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I already feel old. No need for namecalling ,o)

28  dec 2005 01:04

Visit the teams website
Now THAT is art......

27  dec 2005 22:03
Nice site.
good luck in the upcoming season!

coach for: Hashemi Law F.C.

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Tyvm Sir!

27  dec 2005 21:14
Man tackar för besöket i ens pågående bygge....
Lite besviken dock över att inte ha Ulleberg IK som första besökare :'(

Men men, tack för besöket iaf - du är alltid välkommen på en kopp kaffe, med eller utan tår...


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Jag är inte bara besviken. I smell a dead rat!

25  dec 2005 17:08
Hrrmmmm ...

Jag fick lite choklad i julklapp - så du kan få lite med tranbärsfyllning ...
Tranbärsfyllning...... Kan inte hjälpa att jag får accosiationer till....

Skaldjurscrepes <=> Kräldjursskrap

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